Taking a look through the window of life: Charlie’s challenge connects us all . . . .

In 2005, in the UK, five-year-old Charlie Williams was diagnosed with medulloblastoma, a rare and deadly cancer that all too often proves fatal. Seven years later, Charlie has just been given the all-clear. This is his story, told in a letter he wrote, in his own words.  We hope that it inspires you as much... Continue Reading →

Connection 21st Century-style: Tweeting and the Dalai Lama’s latest lesson

Think about the Dalai Lama. Picture him in your head. Now, what did you see? The flowing red and orange robes? The familiar smile and spectacles? The astonishing aura? Such images are entrenched, it's true, but did anyone see the laptop? No, us neither. Not until earlier this week, that is, when, here in our... Continue Reading →

Tender and Protective: Liberty, Lazarus & the beacon of world-wide welcome

From her beacon hand glows world-wide welcome. Give me your tired, your poor. Your huddled masses, yearning to breathe free. The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door. Inspirational stuff, that. Taken from a sonnet, The New Colossus, written in 1883... Continue Reading →

More people, more OMs: the seven billion reasons to become more connected

The babies born, worldwide, this month, will be equal in number to the total population of Portugal. Those dying between October's first and last days will be equivalent to all those who call Norway home. The difference between the two is around 6.4 million people or, if it makes it easier to compute, everyone living... Continue Reading →

Apple, Mak and the Hong Kong connection

Our recent tribute to Steve Jobs, we're delighted to report, has proved popular, eliciting some fabulous feedback and much-appreciated messages. It was, we don't mind admitting, a rather good read. But it wasn't just the words that have stuck a chord. You see, accompanying our poignant post was an image, a rather special picture, beneath which... Continue Reading →

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